Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week Five: Reflection

Hello Everyone,

Week five started with great enthusiasm for me as I was eagerly waiting for learning or refreshing my concepts of alternative assessment, rubric and project based learning. I was not disappointed at all as I did get to know a lot of new things about alternative assessment, project based learning and most importantly rubric.

My most engaging learning experience was to make a rubric. My first challenge was to navigate around Rubistar and after some time I got hold of it. Then came the real realization when I happened to see that the page would expire after 40 minutes if I don't save it within that time. The thing that I understood later is I could have saved the format at first and then fine tune all the details. But I guess that is the real way of  the world, we learn by making error or is that mistake. The process of making the rubric made me think about the class where I actually plan to share it. It has also made me go through terms and criterion again and again as I did not want my students to face any difficulty to understand the rubric. The other difficulty was to come up with the terms that all of you will understand. For example, I was quite hesitant about the term to use for main point as my past learning says every kind of details in a paragraph can be referred as supporting details. 

The other challenging task, not in terms time and effort rather in terms of decision making, was to decide about which blog service to choose i.e. and for our class blog. I finally choose as I felt that my students would be discouraged by the fact that to create a blog in they have a open a new gmail account.       

Farid/ Bangladesh

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