Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week Six: Learning and Reflection

Hi Everyone,

This week I had another 'expected' surprises as we learn about interactive Power Point presentation. I am calling it an expected surprise because I knew from the course content that we will do something on interactive Power Point but it still remained a surprise as I did not know what exactly we will be doing. It turned out to be a great surprise as the links and files shared by our instructors show us that there are a good number of ways I can play with power point to make it truly interactive. For example, I learned that I do not have to minimize my Power Point to bring my student's attention back to me, rather I can put some blank slides at the time I anticipate they will be doing activity or listening to my instruction. I also learned that I can take concept test to check my student's understanding of the ideas or writing organization that I so 'diligently' tried to clarify. This concept test is some thing that I badly need to apply in my teaching as I am increasingly finding out that my student's understanding of the ideas I tried to clarify is not clear enough to do the task as instructed even with 80% accuracy.

I would like to finish by by sharing one very basic thing that I learned a hour ago. I hope most of you knew that you can open multiple blogs using your same Gmail account. I did not knew that! So, there I was stuck in the dilemma whether to open a Wordpress or Blogger account because I did find the idea of opening another Gmail account very entertaining. As a result, I opened a Wordpress to start my class blog. Here I am quite dumbfounded after finding out that I could have easily opened a Blogger account using my same email address as it would have save me some trouble. Anyways, what do say about opening my class blog in Wordpress? Any suggestion and advice would be welcomed.



  1. Dear Farid,

    Bloggers and WordPress are alike, same as any blog engines; they serve the same purpose. There is no harm in learning the interface of another Blog engine, WordPress, though I believe since you already accustomed to Bloggers here why go the trouble if you are pressed with time.



    1. Dear Hassan,

      Thanks for your suggestion. I do agree with you that both are like any other search engines. However, I have found out that to write comment in Bloggers you need to have a google or a WordPress or a TypePad or a AIM or a LiveJournal ID which might create a problem if the learners do not have these accounts. So, I feel fortunate that I have opened the account in WordPress rather than Blogger.



  2. Hi Farid,
    do you have a project partner, if you still don't we can join.
    Ludmila, Moldova

    1. Dear Ludmila,

      I am sorry that I didn't see your comment before today and I hope you have already found a partner. I would been very happy to work with you as a project partner had I not joined the Mukhprat & Arifeen's group. Best of luck with your project.


